Thursday, November 15, 2018

F. Lee Bailey said WHAT?!

In a December 2017 interview with Porkins Policy radio, F. Lee Bailey made an interesting comment about the Bruno Magli shoes (go to 30:30 in the video).  Bailey admitted that while Simpson did not have the Bruno Magli shoes in his house that matched the model of the print picked up at the crime scene, Simpson did own a pair of Bruno Magli slippers!  I had never even heard this before, but it left my jaw on the floor.  Those interviewing him in the video responded with a "yeah"....I think I would have said, "Holy shit are you kidding me?! What are the odds?"

Bailey goes on in the video (30:40) to suggest that "the pictures were doctored."  Of course they were, Lee.  All 31 one of them.  By two different photographers.  One of which was published in the Buffalo Bills Report in November of 1993...months before the murder even happened!

Interested in an expert's analysis of the shoe photos?  I recommend the testimony the former head of the FBI's special photography unit, Gerald Richards.  His take-down of Robert Groden's nonsense is particularly compelling.  And by compelling, I mean straight brutal.

Not enough?  Dominique Brown, Nicole's sister, explained to Det. Lange on Sept. 30th of 1994 that "Nicole owned a pair of Bruno Magli pumps."  Yes, they made women's shoes as well.  When Lange expressed his skepticism, she pointed down and showed him that she was actually wearing Nicole's old shoes at the moment.  Keep in mind this was long before the Bruno Magli pictures showed up during the civil trial.  Dominique also claimed that she had seen Simpson wearing the (bloody print model) Magli shoes around Easter of 1994.  

The notion that Simpson would never own "those ugly-ass shoes," as he put it, is a complete farce.

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